Mathematics Tutoring Team

Mathematics tutoring at Pitzer College is provided through peer mentoring open sessions with students with varying levels of mathematics expertise.

student using expo marker writing on the classroom board while other students watch

Open tutoring sessions are available on the following days and times in Bernard Hall 101 for Spring 2025. Below is our current student tutoring team in mathematics. 
For more information on each session's focuses, view the team's mathematics course overview document: 
Mathematics subject availability

6-8 pm 
6-9 pm
5-9 pm
6-8 pm
Calc I    
Calc II    
Calc III    
Linear Algebra    
Differential Equations    
Discrete Math    
Stats and Probability    
Pre Calc    

Charlotte Richards

Head Tutor

Close-up of Carlos Alvarez with short dark hair and wearing a gray shirt.

Carlos Alvarez

  • Sr. Administrative Coordinator for Academic Affairs